Copyright - Great Paxton 1000

Unless otherwise credited to a different source, all content of this web site, words and pictures are the copyright of Paul Ward and

Copyright protection is actively pursued. Steps by legal process will be taken against violations.

If you have been warned about using this content in the past and do so again, I will go directly to legal methods without further warning.

Please be advised that ignoring my contact about violations tends not to work as web hosts, ISPs and publishers take this seriously even if you do not.

Text and Articles

All text and articles on this site are the copyright of Paul Ward and unless otherwise stated and may not be used unless by prior written permission.

Pictures and Graphics

The pictures and graphics on this site come from a variety of sources. Many of them were taken or made by me, some are used here by permission of others and remain their copyright. Some images used are in the public domain.

If you wish to use any of the pictures from the site please look for copyright credit on the page to see the status, though this is not always complete. If there is no copyright credit it does NOT mean that the picture may be used without permission. Copyright is automatic to the creator of a piece of work and the onus is on the person using that work to determine the status.

How can I gain usage of pictures on this site?

If you would like to purchase pictures then please  with your request quoting the relevant page/s url/s. Please include the following details:

  • Size and resolution of the required image, dimensions in inches or cm and dpi.
  • Placement in the publication or web page.
  • Purpose for using the image.
  • Distribution of the image, quantity and lifespan.